Granting Myself Grace

Granting Myself Grace

I grant grace to everyone [but myself].

Feeling sick? Don’t worry about it, we can reschedule. Lost your budget and can’t hire me for the keynote speaking role in 2019? No problem, see you in 2020.

The other day, I came home from work with solid plans to make a nice dinner and fold a little laundry. But when I eventually got home… I was too tired, so I ordered Thai and simply looked at the laundry during television commercials [that counts for something, right? 😂] Granted, I did try — Throughout my meal and my brain-break-tv-sesh, I continually said to myself, “You should get up and fold the laundry. Just do it, Deborah, because you said you would.”

😡 And then the negative self-talk began. E.G. “Last week you had a GERD setback, which really messed up your sleep. And, now you’re inevitably too tired to do much of anything. You’re never going to feel better and you’re going to get further and further behind…” 😡

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Or is it just me?

Sometimes life throws you a curveball and you have to put your “old normal” away and begin a “new normal.” Know what I mean?

However, it’s difficult for me because I don’t want to lose my pace of life. Meaning, I still want to accomplish the sameamount of tasks each day [or even add to my list] even when I don’t feel 💯. When, a more appropriate and healthy approach would be to:

  • Grant myself grace when I’m too tired to complete a project.
  • Grant myself grace when I don’t have the energy or motivation to cook.
  • Grant myself grace when my house is messy and the laundry continues to pile up.

But, how do I grant myself grace, exactly? Well, it starts with modifying the negative self-talk and transforming it into positive self-talk. For instance, when I start to tell myself, “You DIDN’T do…” or “You SHOULD have done…” I stop myself and say, “You DID do…” I give myself grace for the things I could have done better and focus on the positives of what was accomplished.

PRO TIP: If you actually say it OUT LOUD, you can put a stop to the negative self-talk earlier in the process. 💪

Did you know that ‘Grace’ is mentioned 170+ times in the bible? 📖 When something is mentioned THAT often, it’s probably best to pay attention to it and determine how you can incorporate it into your daily life. 🤔

Maybe the big guy upstairs 👆 is trying to get our attention. Maybe, just maybe… we should listen. 👂


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