Tip 30- Habits To Make Your Weight Loss Permanent In 2010 (Part 2)

Kick your sugar cravings.

A lack of sleep and a lack of protein, or sometimes both, can cause sugar cravings. Most of my clients have sugar cravings in the late afternoon. They often try to fight it with a cup of coffee or a bag of pretzels, which usually never works. You’ll be more successful if you fight your sugar craving by eating a better breakfast. What you eat in the morning will determine what you’re craving in the afternoon.

*Blew it at breakfast? Eat a slice of deli turkey or a hard boiled egg when cravings
kick in.

Today’s tip: I cook a whole package of turkey bacon and use it for breakfast during the week. Hard boil some eggs and try one for breakfast or a mid-morning snack. Also, go to bed earlier, sleeping less than 7 hours a night will drive you to crave sugar in the afternoon.

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