Tip 11- Can Eating The Right Lunch Help Your Kids Do Better In School?


  • Protein can help your kids to stay focused (i.e., hard boiled eggs, hummus, sliced lean meat, string cheese, and low sodium turkey jerky).
  • Veggies/fruits provide vitamins and fiber, which help balance blood sugar levels (keeping moods stable) and offer some protection from diabetes (i.e., sliced red bell pepper, sliced cukes, and cherry tomatoes).
  • Carbohydrates are the long-term fuel that keeps kids running all day long (i.e., whole grain crackers, English muffins and tortillas, but try to avoid anything white).

Today’s tip: Try the guaranteed kid lovin’ sandwich wraps…

Peanut Butter Rolls:

Ingredients- Flour tortillas (high fiber), peanut butter, jelly, raisins (optional).

Prep: Spread peanut butter and jelly on tortilla. Sprinkle with raisins. Roll up tortilla.

Turkey Roll with an attitude:

Ingredients- Flour tortilla (high fiber), lettuce, tomato wedges, 3 slices of turkey, 1 slice cheese, lite mayo or cream cheese, baked potato chips or pop chips.

Prep: Spread mayo or cream cheese onto flour tortilla. Layer lettuce, tomato wedges, turkey and cheese down the center of the tortilla. Top with chips. Roll and fold the filled tortilla.

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